Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry refers to the use of pharmacological agents such as nitrous oxide, IV, oral sedation, and local anesthesia to calm and relax a patient before and during a dental appointment. It’s intended to keep the patient comfortable allowing the procedure to be completed with minimal distress. It’s beneficial for people who experience dental anxiety or those undertaking a lengthy treatment and can be used for everything from a simple cleaning to an invasive dental procedure. Dental sedation is a valuable dental tool.

Levels of sedation available:

Who would benefit from sedation dentistry?

This option is often recommended for those with:

Dental sedation is required during:

If you feel anxious or afraid about a dental appointment, talk to your dentist about options for sedation. Your dentist can explain what's available and make a recommendation based on your concerns. The type of sedation available can vary from dentist to dentist. Be sure and confirm that the dentist you choose offers the services you’re interested in receiving.

What happens during sedation dentistry?

Your dentist gives you sedative medications before beginning your procedure. You’ll receive a local anesthetic to numb your teeth and gums, but this is done once you’re already feeling comfortable from the sedatives.At Vitality Oral Health, we help you create the smile you desire through the use of a variety of cosmetic dental treatments. Call us today and start the journey toward your best smile!

What happens after sedation dentistry?

You’ll need a trusted friend or family member to drive you home after your appointment. Go straight home and rest while the sedative medication wears off. Before leaving you alone, your driver should make sure you’re resting comfortably.

If you suffer from dental fear or are undergoing extensive procedures, Vitality Oral Health can help. We provide all levels of sedation, when needed. We are one of only three dentists in Calgary with access to IV sedation and general anesthesia in hospital operating room settings. Visit us to talk about your fears. We’ll create a treatment plan tailored to your needs. Contact us today to make an appointment.

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